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The Start Of Something New: Camjam Photo Camper

Updated: Jun 21

This is how we started our Photo Booth business!

First let’s go back to July of 2022. Since getting married in 2018, my husband and I have been traveling for work. Until now, we were okay with moving around. Working for a large company in Brownsville, Tx, he began putting in long hours and because of this we started spending less time together. This of course affected us in many ways. Our priority has always been each other, so when that month ended, we packed up and returned home.

A few weeks later, August 8, I hopped on #Facebook Marketplace just scrolling like I usually do. Even now, it is an activity that I enjoy because you would be amazed at what you can find. That day I spotted a trailer with a partially built camper on, so I presented my idea of starting a photo booth inside the #camper to my husband and he agreed. I contacted the owner and we arranged to meet that same evening.

This is a photo of when we first purchased our camper!

Not only has it always been a dream of mine to own my own business, I saw this as an opportunity to earn some extra #income which then allowed us to stay home, #Houston, Tx.

The Building of the Photo Booth.

Once we purchased our camper, we then got to work! We worked on it every day for approximately a month. Fortunately, we had accumulated a substantial amount of savings which enabled us to provide for ourselves for the time being. We documented the build on our TikTok.

My husband and I are both quite skilled with our hands and enjoy tackling various #DIY projects. The experience of building our camper was incredibly enjoyable for both of us, and even now it remains a topic of conversation that we reminisce about often.

Here are a few photos of the process, I go more into detail on our TikTok

Our key takeaway.

This entire process has been a #valuable learning experience for us, and we've acquired a lot of knowledge along the way. Before this, we had zero knowledge or experience when it came to photo booths. If there is anything I’d want you to take from this it’s, trust in your own abilities and know that anything is achievable, regardless of your background. Determination and a strong desire for something can overcome any obstacle. Although we faced numerous moments of uncertainty and doubt, we never lost sight of our ultimate vision and objective.

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